
Project description

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Establish Meijo University’s brand by featuring research on
under the President’s leadership

University Council

Vice President, Deans, etc.
Academic Research Council

Research Branding Project Implementation Committee

Advanced achievement in nanomaterial research in Meijo University
Discovery of carbon nanotubes
Metal ultra-fine particles, fullerene and carbon nano-walls

Nanomaterial Research Center

Research promotion section

"0 dimension"

(Alloy nanoparticles,
nano oxides)

"1 dimension"

(Carbon nanotubes,
oxide nanotubes)

"2 dimension"

(Oxide nanosheets,
nitride nanosheets,

Collective university-wide
efforts of
nanomaterial researchers

"fundamental research on
'- Clarifying and understanding of formation mechanism
'- Highly precise analysis of structure and composition
'- Precise control of structure and composition

"Visualization" of nanomaterials
Cultivation and invention of new nanomaterials based on
dimensional crossing and fusion in combinations

Branding section

[Disseminating information of advanced research achievements]

'- Homepage
'- Symposium
'- Showroom
'- Media presentation

[Awareness-raising activities for next generation]

'- Demonstration lectures and experiments
at elementary, junior high and high schools
'- Open recruitment for new branding projects
in the university
Building the brand through students and alumni

Global Meijo University

Concerted branding by twin branding structure of
and "blue LEDs"